Made in His Image and Likeness, we are all true sons and daughters of God
Everything we do flows from the vow we make to Jesus to uphold the dignity of every human person from the moment of conception to natural death. As faithful Daughters of the Roman Catholic Church, the primary way we live this out is through our apostolates of daily prayer for priests, our spiritual fathers, as well as our pro-life spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
At the Rose Garden Mission, our foremost work of mercy is the pro-life work. We uphold the dignity of each human person who comes to us in need, by offering help and hope through Prayer, Pregnancy Care assistance, nutrition from our St. Francis Food Pantry, and health care at the Rose Garden Center for Hope & Healing free medical clinic and free dental clinic. In the spirit of Saint Francis, the Daughters give to him who asks (Mt. 5:42) without question and without cost (Mt. 10:8) serving Jesus in the poor, hungry, thirsty, ill, estranged, naked & lonely (Mt. 25:34-41) “Come, O blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Mt 25:34)