Pregnancy and Family Support
“You formed my inmost being; You knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise You, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works! My very self You know. My bones are not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, fashioned in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me unformed; in Your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be.”
Psalm 139:12-16

Our pregnancy care services include:
Free/confidential pregnancy tests
Free 4D ultrasounds
Assistance in making good choices
Information on pre-birth gestation, birth control and natural family planning, abortion, parenting classes, development of good relationships.
Maternity clothing
New Baby Welcome Baskets
Baby Equipment items
Our Family Support services include:
Free diapers, wipes, formula once per week
Free baby food whenever needed
Children’s clothes twice per month
Christmas toys
Thanksgiving turkeys and fixin’s
“This place saved me, especially when my daughter was in diapers. I don’t know what I would have done without you all.”
“Before coming here, I used to have to do things I was ashamed of to get money for diapers. But because of you all, I don’t have to do those things anymore.”
“I want thank you. This is my son, Marcus, he’s here because of you. When I came for a pregnancy test, I had my mind set on abortion, but Sister was so excited that I was pregnant, she let me hear the baby’s heartbeat. After that, I just couldn't have the abortion.”
From our Moms...

Our pregnancy care services are available Monday through Thursday from 11am to 4pm. No appointments required, just drop in when we're open! You do not need to provide financial or residential information to get help. New Families must register before receiving baby or children's items.
See what God has done...
Last year, 1278 Moms and Guardians received services from us...

We helped 2760 children...
We had 10685 visits to our Pregnancy and family support center...
We gave away 10,830 packs of diapers...
460 baby equipment items...
348 Car seats...
and 442 new baby welcome baskets!
Praise the Lord!!
Pregnancy and Family Support 2024 overview