Medical Clinic
Center for Hope and Healing
Hours of Operation
Health ministry: Tuesday 11-3 (walk-in; near the food pantry)
Medical clinic: Tuesday 9:30-2:30 and Wednesday 11-3:30 (walk-in or appointment)
2020 Madison Avenue
Covington, KY 41014
Park next to the building, come to the door beneath the large painting of Jesus
Contact Information
Phone: 859-261-0323
Fax: 859-261-0464
Executive Director: Sheila Carroll
Email: rghmclinic@gmail.com
Mailing address: PO Box 122038, Covington, KY 41012-2038
Welcome to the Medical Clinic
at the Center for Hope and Healing!
Your hope for better health and a brighter tomorrow starts here with warm smiles, respectful listening, and professional treatment, counsel, and advice, all without charge. “Ask and ye shall receive.” Translation services are available.
Primary care medical services include:
Examination, diagnosis, treatment, or referral
On-site testing for Hepatitis C, Strep, Covid, HgA1c, and routine urinalysis
Blood, urine, and tissue laboratory testing
Prescription and over-the-counter medications
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Blood pressure monitoring
Diabetes monitoring, insulin, home test kits
Respiratory therapy treatments
Women’s wellness check-ups, pap tests
4-D ultrasound
Tobacco cessation classes, nicotine replacement therapy
School and sports physicals
Pediatric care
Specialist support includes:
Referrals to 20 regional specialists
Appointment and copay assistance
Bus passes for appointments.
Vision care, eyeglasses, retinopathy screening.

Health ministry services:
Walk-in screenings near the Mission's food pantry
Diabetes and blood pressure checks

Everyone here is a volunteer. Since our opening on January 24, 2012, our team of professional volunteers has included physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, ultrasound technicians, counselors, and medical translators.
Our patient count continues to rise month by month, and we urge interested professionals to prayerfully consider volunteering as their availability permits.
If you are looking for a way to combine your faith and your medical profession, you've found the right place!
We also need front-desk receptionists.
Call or email for details.
Our 2024 Medical Report
by the numbers...
This year we served 309 total Patients. 156, or 50% of them were new this year.
We had 763 total visits to our clinic.
59% of our patients are female, 41% are male
Patients range in age from 6 months to 80 years old.
64% are Hispanic/Latino, 25% are White, 11% are Black
32% of our patients are Hypertensive (High Blood Pressure)
31% are Diabetic
24% are Smokers
10% of them suffer from mental health issues
5% have COPD
Key services 2024
We spent $26,000 in lab fees.
We provided $13,400 in prescription assistance for patients who could not afford their medications.
We distributed 12 glucose sensors and meters to diabetic patients.
We Performed 27 ultrasounds.
We hosted 15 mammograms.
We provided 52 eye exams and 32 pairs of eyeglasses.

Medical Volunteers call this place “God’s Clinic” because everyone has seen how He provides everything we need, year after year. For example, the night before the Women's Wellness room launched, the director suddenly realized we'd forgotten to get patient gowns! All she could do was offer a prayer, lock up, and go home. Unlocking the next morning, she found a box of neatly folded exam gowns at her desk. No one knew where they came from, except that "God provides!"

Financially, we depend entirely on solicited grant funds, unsolicited gifts, and the good stewardship of every staff member, even as they adhere to professional standards of care. We have reduced-rate agreements with several providers of services and materials.
As a ministry of the Rose Garden Mission, the Center for Hope and Healing does not accept government funding. This allows us to serve anyone who asks for help, regardless of their employment status or income rate, place of residence, age, race, gender, etc.
We also have no paid staff, meaning every donation goes right to helping those in need.
Everyone who contributes in any way is a gift in themselves to the poor and sick — on whose behalf, we echo: "Gratias! Merci! Thank you!"