Rose Garden Mission Help Hub
The Rose Garden is located at 2040 Madison Avenue, Covington KY.
We are open Monday through Thursday from 11am to 4pm.
We do not require you to provide any financial information to receive any of our services.
You do not need to live in a specific country, state, county or region in order to receive help from us.
How can we help?
Pregnancy Care
If you need help with Pregnancy testing, Pregnancy information or new baby supplies, you have come to the right place! We also have prenatal vitamins and a limited supply of maternity clothing available.
Pregnancy Tests
You don't need an appointment, just drop by when we are open, Mon.-Thurs., 11am-4pm. Come to the Pregnancy and Family support center and simply let the volunteer or sister at the counter know that you would like a pregnancy test. Our pregnancy test services are 100% confidential. Every woman who tests positive for pregnancy gets a special gift bag.
Information and counseling
We have a variety of brochures and information pamphlets available with accurate information regarding various pregnancy and reproductive health issues, including Abortion, Contraceptives, Adoption, Natural Family Planning and more. We also provide private, informal counseling on request to help you understand your options and make the best choice for you and your baby.
New Baby Welcome Baskets
In your 8th month of pregnancy, you can come to our Pregnancy and Family support center to receive a New Baby Welcome Basket! Our welcome baskets include diapers, wipes, baby hygiene items, baby clothing, blankets, bottles, toys and more! Depending on availability, we also help with carseats, baby beds, swings, bassinettes, baby bathtubs, rockers and bouncers and other baby equipment items.
To receive a New Baby Welcome Basket and you are in your 8th month of pregnancy, you need
a photo ID,
a document from your doctor that has your due-date printed on it
If your baby is already born but less than a month old, you can still get a basket. You need
a photo ID
Baby's birth certificate or completed Birth Announcement (the "foot print papers" that some hospitals give to new moms)
After your baby is born, we can continue to assist you with diapers, wipes, and formula once a week, baby clothing twice a month, and more. Simply bring in your ID and your baby's Birth Certificate or Birth Announcement (the "foot print paper" from the hospital) in order to register your baby. After that, you will just need your photo ID each time.
Free breast pumps and supplies are available on request.
Q: How do I get a Pregnancy Test?
A: Ask any of the Sisters or Volunteers at the Rose Garden. One of the sisters will then take you to a private area for your test. All pregnancy test information is kept strictly confidential.
Q: How early in my pregnancy can I start getting help for my baby?
A: You can come as early as 4 weeks prior to your due date with your ID and documentation from your doctor with your due date printed on it. If you are having a c-section or likely to have a premature birth, please talk to one of the sisters. You may be asked to present documentation from your doctor stating the date of c-section or other complications potentially causing prematurity.
Q: My baby is a preemie and is still in the hospital. Can I still get help for my baby?
A: Yes! Just let us know that your baby is preemature and we will be sure to include preemie diapers and clothing! You will still need your ID and the Baby's birth announcement, hospital bed sticker or your hospital bracelet-if it has both your name and baby's name on it.
Family Support
Here at the Rose Garden, we love babies, Moms, and families! We want to walk with you for as long as you need help, we don't limit our help to a certain time frame of age of children. You simply need to register in order to receive baby and children's items.
You'll need to register when you come for your first visit. After the first visit, you will just need to bring your photo ID each time.
If you are a mom, you need to bring
Your photo ID
A Birth Certificate, completed Birth Announcement ("footprint paper") or other document that proves you are the mother (shot records, "mychart" documents, etc.) for EACH child you would like to receive items for.
If you are a Dad, Grandparent or other relative, you must have legal custody of the child. Custodians need to bring
Your Photo ID
Legal documentation proving that you currently have full or emergency custody of the child(ren) that you need items for.
Once a week, You can receive a pack of diapers for each child under 5 years old. We usually have pullups for older children who may still be potty training, have trouble with bedwetting or are handicapped.
Formula/baby food/Breast pump supplies
You can receive Formula once a week for each child under 1 year old.
You can receive Baby food as needed.
Breast pumps and supplies are available also.
You can receive outfits for each of your children twice a month. Depending on availability, you can get one coat, per child, per year.
Larger baby items depend mainly on availability, keeping in mind that the Rose Garden runs 100% on donations.
When available, baby equipment items are one per child in the proper age-range. These include strollers, carseats, pack n plays, cribs, bassinettes, swings, rockers, bouncey seats, high chairs, boppy pillows, exersaucers/baby walkers, etc.
Q: Why can't I use my child's SS card or medical card to register?
A: SS cards and most medical cards do not contain both the Mom and Child's name. Just think- What if someone stole your child's SS card, brought it to us with their ID and registered your child under their own name! We would have no way of knowing who the real mom was! To avoid situations like this, we require that the children's documentation have both the Mom and child's name on it.
Q: I came a few years ago to get help for my child. I didn't need help for a while, but I need help again. Do I still need to bring Documentation to get Diapers? OR I registered for Christmas and I need help with Diapers now. Do I need to bring my child's documentation again?
A: Normally, no. However, We are in the process of updating our computer system and it is possible that some information may be accidentally lost. Normally we would transfer Christmas registrations into our Family Support computer system and you would not need to bring it again. Under the circumstances, it may be a good idea to bring the documentation again just to be sure it is in the computer system, but you are always welcome to stop by and just check if your information is still in the system.
Q: How often can I come for diapers, formula and clothing?
A: For each child you have registered, you can get
Diapers- once a week
Formula- once a week
Clothing- Twice a month
Q: Why can't dads/grandparents register without mom, or without having "legal" custody?
A: Sadly, many of our friends and neighbors have very difficult or complicated family circumstances. In most legal cases, the children are placed with the mom if possible- at least in Kentucky, anyway. It is in an effort to protect our friends in troubled families that we require mom to register or dad/grandparent to have sole legal custody.
However, we do understand that sometimes mom can't come because of work, school or other circumstances. In these cases, we do require that she come ONCE and designate a "pick-up person". This could be dad, grandma, a trusted friend, etc. A note: in these cases, mom will not be able to pick up diapers unless she wants to be the sole "pick-up person" and no longer have the other person pick up for her children.
Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is open Monday-Thursday from 11am to 4pm, you don't need an appointment, just drop in!
Because the Rose Garden does not accept government funding, we don't have to place restrictions on who we can serve or how often.
This means that you are welcome to come and receive food every day if you need it, and that we don't require any documentation or ID for food.
We are happy to serve you regardless of where you live, how much money you make, your gender, class, color or religion. All are welcome here.
We only reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who is acting in an inappropriate or disrespectful manner.
The Rose Garden runs 100% on donations; all food is donated to us. What we give out each day is variable, but we try to give enough to feed a family when we can. Usually, we have several bags of groceries available for each person who comes for food. While we do our best to sort donations well, everything is "take at your own risk" and we are not responsible for expired or damaged products.
We try to have bags of food available that do not need to be cooked- for those who are homeless or without electricity. These are available on request.
Q: How often can I come to get food from the Rose Garden?
A: You are welcome to come everyday if you need to!
Q: How much food do you give out?
A: We try to give out enough to feed a family- usually you will receive several bags of groceries
Q: What are you giving out today?
A: It depends on what has been donated and can change throughout the day, too.
Medical Clinic
Our caring team of volunteer healthcare professionals are ready to help! Our clinic is located at 2020 Madison Avenue, which is the same building as the food pantry, but the other end of the building. You are looking for the door located beneath the large painting of Jesus. Translation services are available.
We are open Tuesdays from 9:30am-2:30pm and Wednesdays from 11am-3:30pm. Appointments are preferred, but we do take walk-ins.
To make or to re-schedule an appointment you can call 859-261-0323
Our clinic is a fully operational doctors office and the only licensed free clinic in NKY. We can do everything a typical doctor's office can do, including
examination, diagnosis, treatment or referral to a specialist
on-site Hep C, strep, Covid, HgA1c tests, routine urinalysis
blood, urine, and tissue laboratory testing
prescription and over-the-counter medications
electrocardiogram (ECG)
blood pressure monitoring
diabetes nurse educator private counseling
diabetes monitoring, insulin, home test kits
respiratory therapy treatments
women’s wellness check-ups, pap tests
4-D ultrasound
tobacco cessation classes, nicotine replacement therapy
school and sports physicals
pediatric care
Our clinic is primarily for those who do not have insurance, or who do not have sufficient insurance. If you aren't sure if you are in under-insured, feel free to stop by when we're open or give us a call at (859) 261-0323 and we'll be happy to help!
Health Ministry
Our Health Ministry program is currently located in the main lobby of the Rose Garden Mission. If you stop by on Tuesdays between 11am and 3pm, our nurses and staff will be there to test your blood sugar level, test your blood pressure, answer questions and help you take an active role in managing your health.
Dental Clinic
Our Dental Clinic is located in the Center for Hope and Healing, you come through the same door- the one beneath the large painting of Jesus. Translation Services are available.
Our dental services are available by appointment only. If you would like to make an appointment, please call us at (859) 261-0323 and we will get you on our list! Every appointment starts with a health screening to assess any language concerns, establish current wellness, address ongoing infections, and allay anxiety. Dental services include:
oral examination
low-radiation Panorex imaging
extraction, filling, and repair
cleaning (painless ultrasonic plaque remover as needed)
oral hygiene education
hygiene kit: brush, floss, paste
Unfortunately, we are not equipped for pediatric dentistry at this time- adults only.
Thanksgiving Help
The Thanksgiving Giveaway is a much looked forwards to event for neighbors and volunteers alike! One Signup per Household is permitted, which will get you a Turkey and several bags of Groceries. You must register in advance, or you can come after 3pm on the day of the giveaway to see if we have any turkeys/groceries still available.
How to Register
Sign ups for the Thanksgiving Giveaway typically begin the first week of November.
What to bring:
1.) You MUST present a photo ID. This can be your driver's license, "real ID", passport, ID from another Country, etc. The main thing is that it must have YOUR name and YOUR picture on it.
2.) You must present proof of address. This could be a rent agreement or lease, a bill, a piece of mail from an official agency, etc. It is OK if the proof of address does not have the same address as your ID, but it must be a printed envelope from an official agency or company with YOUR NAME on it.
If you live in an apartment or duplex home, please be sure that your proof of address has your apartment number on it. If two people sign up with the same address, and that address is not an apartment building, both people may be removed from the giveaway list because we only have enough turkeys for each family to receive one.
If your driver's license has your current address on it, you still need to bring the proof of address listed in #2.
Giveaway Day
The date of the Giveaway will be posted here sometime during October or November.
What to Bring:
1.) Your Photo ID as listed above,
2.)Warm clothing (lines can be long at times)
3.) Patience and a smile!
Giveaway Pro-Tips
Many people come long before we open, and they end up standing outside in the cold for a very long time. If you like the "black Friday shopping lines" experience, that's fine, but you really don't have to come so early if you don't want to! We've never run out of turkeys before, and people who come in the afternoon typically see shorter lines and end up getting home faster.
If you have them, warm clothing is recommended. Most of our giveaway takes place outside, and lines can be long.
If you were given a slip of paper with the date and time of the giveaway on it when you signed up, You do not need to bring that with you. Don't worry if you lost it, it was only meant to be a reminder for you.
You MUST have your PHOTO ID. It does not matter what else you bring, or who signed you up. If you do not have your ID, you will be asked to come back at 3pm.
Q: If I registered for Thanksgiving last year, do I still need to bring proof of address?
A: Yes. We don't store the information from the Thanksgiving sign-ups from year to year- we make a new list every year.
Q: I am currently homeless. Is there any way I can still sign up?
A: Ask one of the sisters. We might be able to work something out for you depending on the circumstances.
Christmas Help
Christmas is our favorite time of year at the Rose Garden! Our Christmas Giveaway is for families with Children, it is primarily for help with Christmas Gifts. You must register in advance. We do not currently have a giveaway specifically for Christmas dinner, but anyone interested in food may come after 3pm on Giveaway day to see what is available.
Registration for the Christmas Giveaway typically begins the first week of November and runs through the first week or two of December.
Typically we will sign up kids through 12 years old. You can sign up your kids through 17 years old, just know that we are less likely to have much for them. However, If your child has special needs, please let one of the sisters know when you sign up. We will do our best to accommodate their developmental and sensory needs.
What to Bring:
If you are already registered to receive Diapers and other Children's items,
1.) Your Photo ID (Drivers License, "Real ID", Passport, ID from another Country, etc.- It needs to have YOUR name and YOUR picture on it.)
2.) You will be asked for your phone number, but this is not required. We just like to have it in case we need to contact you for some reason, it will be kept confidential.
If you are a MOM and are not yet registered to receive diapers and children's items,
1.)Your Photo ID
2.) A birth certificate, "foot print papers" or similar document for each of your children. If you do not have any of those documents, you need some sort of OFFICIAL document that contains YOUR name and YOUR CHILD'S name. Sometimes shot records or WIC papers will have this. SS cards are not accepted because they do not prove that you are the mother.
If you are a guardian/custodian and are not yet registered,
1.) Your Photo ID
2.) Custody papers from the court stating that you currently have full or emergency custody of the child.
If you are a grandparent or other relative who does not have legal custody, we are very sorry, but you will have to send whoever has current custody of the children to register them for Christmas.
Giveaway Day
The date of the Giveaway will be posted here sometime during October or November.
What to Bring:
1.) Your Photo ID as listed above,
2.)Warm clothing (lines can be long at times)
3.) Patience and a smile!
Giveaway Pro-Tips
Many people come long before we open, and they end up standing outside in the cold for a very long time. If you like the "black Friday shopping lines" experience, that's fine, but you really don't have to come so early if you don't want to!
People who come in the afternoon typically see shorter lines and end up getting home faster. We do our best to distribute gifts evenly to each family, so just because you are not first line does not mean that you will get fewer toys or toys of lesser quality.
If you have them, warm clothing is recommended. Most of our giveaway takes place outside, and lines are typically long, especially early in the day.
If you were given a slip of paper with the date and time of the giveaway on it when you signed up, You do not need to bring that with you. Don't worry if you lost it, it was only meant to be a reminder for you.
You MUST have your PHOTO ID and your name must be on the list. It does not matter what else you bring, or who signed you up. If you do not have your ID or if your name is not on the list, you will be asked to come back at 3pm.
Santa Claus comes to our giveaway every year! Santa will be sitting somewhere in a prominent location, ready to take pictures with your kids if you like!
Our Giveaway is meant to be a joy-filled day! Please be patient with us and other people around you as you wait! Remember, everything is free here and none of the Rose Garden staff are paid. Everyone is a volunteer -sisters and laity alike- and they came just because they love you and want you and your children to have a fun Christmas morning! ❤
Q: If I have registered in the past, do I still need to bring my kid's documentation?
A: Normally, no. However, we recently updated our computer system, and it is possible that some information may accidentally have been lost- especially if it was a few years ago that you registered and haven't been back since. You might want to bring it just in case, but you are welcome to stop by and see if the information is still in our system.
Q: How much will I get for Christmas for my kids?
A: We try to give out several gifts per child when we can.
Q: Is there any way I can sign up for a Christmas dinner? I don't have kids.
A: Unfortunately, no. Our giveaway is primarily focused on gifts for the children. However, you are welcome to come AFTER 3pm and we will give you whatever food we have!!
Other Questions
Q: What services are offered at the Rose Garden?
A: We have a food pantry, a free medical and dental clinic and a pregnancy and family support center.
Q:Does the Rose Garden Home Mission offer housing or shelter?
A: No, sorry. The Rose Garden Home Mission is called a "Home mission" because the sisters are missionaries, but were not called to a foreign country. Rather, we are on mission to those right here in our homeland.
Q: Can the Rose Garden help me with my rent or utility bill?
A: No, sadly, we don't have any financial aid.
Q: Can the Rose Garden put me up in a hotel? I'm Homeless.
A: Unfortunately, we do not have the funding.
Q: I can't make it down to pick up anything. Can the Rose Garden deliver food or diapers?
A: No, sorry. We don't have enough volunteers.
Q: I am so grateful for the help I received from Rose Garden. Can I volunteer?
A: We greatly appreciate your gratitude, but we only accept volunteers from our Church groups. However, PLEASE pray for us!! We always appreciate your prayers!
Q: If I receive service from the Rose Garden, will I be prevented from receiving services from other agencies? If I receive services from other agencies, does that mean I can't come to the Rose Garden?
A: No. We don't share our list with anyone, so this is not a problem.
Q: Does the Rose Garden offer bus passes?
A: No, Sorry. The Center for Hope and Healing may issue bus passes on a case by case basis, but for medical appointments only.
Q: I have a question that was not answered here. How can I get in touch?
A: You can call us as (859) 491- ROSE (7673) If we don't answer, please leave a message with your name, phone number and your question. It might be a few days, but we will get back to you!
If you leave a message and don't mention the nature of your question, or if you are calling to ask for a service that we do not offer, you might not hear from us because we don't have regular office volunteers and callers with relevant questions are given priority. However, you are always welcome to call again.
You can also e-mail us at rosegardenmission@gmail.com